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Go to Market


Customer buying processes are changing. Is your Go-to-Market strategy adapting to them?

Companies with a powerful GTM strategy outperform those that do not. It is a key business differentiation. Are you confident however that you know 'what good looks like' and how to implement it successfully?


GTMEnable’s portfolio of advisory, technology and integration services tackle these critical issues in delivering a successful Go to Market strategy and plan.

Market Modelling

Do you know which customers to target? 

GTMEnable's Market Modelling solution identifies your market opportunity - right down to account level.

Now it is possible to build a model of the addressable spend at the account level summarised by business unit and geography.

  • Build a forensic understanding of your market - by account, business unit and geography.

  • Challenge sales performance against known customer spend.

  • Drive business forecasting in support of annual budgeting.

Value Delivery

Are you clearly differentiating yourself from your competition?

Marketing will have determined your branding, positioning and general value propositions, but expressing value at the customer level is essential.

Combining your expert understanding of both your market and your customer enables you to determine winning value propositions.

  • Determine your points of parity - those features that, while they are the same as your competition, you have to have in order just to be in the game.

  • Determine your points of difference - those features that your competitors do not have and which are important to your customer.

  • Apply your resonating focus - your insight into benefits that the customer is not aware of. 


Territory Mapping

Are you sure you have the right sales teams in the right place?

Having mapped your market and determined the value you will deliver, now you need to align your sales teams.


The key is to ensure you have the right people with the right knowledge and skills facing the right customers.

  • Segment your market

  • Establish roles, responsibilities and objectives of your sales teams

  • Map the sales territories

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