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  • Michael Conner

What is in a name?

I have had two lifetimes in business. The first in the corporate world, looking to drive performance across Sales and Marketing organisations. The second as an entrepreneur, striving for innovation and getting it 'right first time'. (Wrong decisions in a young business can be very costly).

While as different as night and day in terms of the general demands, there is always a constant to being successful, whether large or small. That is - have you the right strategy that targets the right people, with the right products at the right time to deliver the business value they need?

There is plenty of data out there and articles written that describe the general affect that technology is having on buying and selling processes. Just to recap - buyers are doing initial research on-line, sellers are being called in later in the process and technology is enabling new applications, tools and stimulating what we used to call process re-engineering.

The net effect is a constant state of change as sales organisations are forced to adapt to maintain competitiveness and ideally take a lead in their markets.

I spent the last ten years founding and building a Salesforce ISV (Independent Software Vendor), during which time I have had countless conversations with sales leaders struggling to identify the right course of action and then to make change stick. So I have now founded a business focused on delivering change across sales organisations, enabling them to envision, build and implement their Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy and to finally deliver the adoption that is so illusive.

What is in a name? I reckon GTMEnable just about says it all.

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